Friday, August 29, 2008

Thanks for Listening, Blizzard!

Well, sometimes they prove that they DO listen to us. Shortly after the change to Furor, CM Jimmythenumbers came forward to say that they changed it to the following:

Gives you 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form, and you keep up to 100 of your Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form, and increases your total Intellect while in Moonkin form by 10%.

Just as I (and many others) suggested. Thanks!

Also, the intellect bonus for Moonkins is very exiting. 10% seems a tad bit much for a tier 1 talent, so expect that to be reduced. Still, a nice way to spend five of that ten points you need to get to OOC.

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